Saturday, July 7, 2007

Dave Ramsey's - Total Money Make Over


This is a powerful book about our finances today. I found hope inside this book in a way that I have not in countless other "financial solution" books. Dave is a brilliant commentator with the real world smarts of experience to back up his statements.

I began my own Total Money Makeover after listening to this book. It has helped me to understand what it is that I didn't learn in school or the 20 years since about finances and why "I am doing ok!" just isn't ever going to get any better. The reason is clear and I feel it is best summed up by a quote by another genius, Albert Einstein.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Utilizing, Dave's six simple steps has allowed me to totally reorganize my financial life in a way that has allowed me to cut up my credit card and live life in a manner that is fiscally responsible. I am have completed step one and am now working step to with "gazelle" intensity. It has allowed me to create a realistic plan to become 100% debt free in SEVEN YEARS' time with over 20,000 dollars in the bank. WOW!

We started this plan a week ago, yet we have already paid off over $1400 in debt! We have committed to this plan and it is working! Now we have only $238,500 of debt to go. I know it sounds crazy but we are unlike many other plans this one is working. Mind you this is no get rich quick plan! It is a plan that require work! Yes, I said the four letter word. But trust me Dave's plan is easy to understand and even better, it is a workable plan.

Ultimately all I can tell you in this short review is that this book is AN ABSOLUTE MUST BUY!

If you are skeptical read it and check back; I will keep you all up to date on the progress of this truly amazing plan.

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